About – Mining

Mining industry in the territory

Mining is part of our culture. For thousands of years, Tahltans prospected and mined obsidian. Tahltans turned the obsidian into essential tools and an important trading resource. Obsidian artifacts have been found thousands of kilometers away, hinting at the immense trade network and its high value. In the late 1800’s, Tahltans supported miners during the gold rush. We remain a sophisticated mining Nation, now with generations of modern industry experience. Tahltan Territory is home to three of BC’s 19 operating mines (or their shared footprint), approximately 41% of BC’s exploration activities, 6.3% of Canada’s, and 0.9% of the world’s. In 2019, exploration expenditures on projects in Tahltan Territory were estimated at over $135.5 million. Production values for active mines in in Tahltan Territory were estimated to be over $817 million.

The mining industry in Tahltan Territory offers Tahltans–no matter where they live–the opportunity to build a rewarding career doing what they love. Options are endless. Learn a trade or take advantage of on-the-job training to reach the highly-skilled positions sought by mining companies everywhere.

The Tahltan Nation and mining companies in Tahltan Territory will support your education with scholarships, bursaries, summer jobs, and co-op jobs, as you earn a post-secondary education.

The Tahltan Nation is interested in mutually-beneficial and collaborative partnerships with the resource development industry in Tahltan Territory, leading to job creation and capacity building for its members.

Come home to work, come home to play, or come home to stay.

Ready to test your skills?

Identify your Essential Skills to match your skill set with current employment opportunities.
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